Sunshine and Mountain Streams

Summer has once again graced our Iowan lands and it’s about time! There is nothing I love more than to bask in the sun (with SPF 1000 of course) and feel a warm breeze. Along with that, comes the dreaded humidity, which on a good day, makes my curls look either like a frizzy mess or droopy strands. It’s Iowa; love it or hate it. I’m a bit caught in between that line. So, since it’s a balmy 94 today, I am greatly looking forward to splashing in a mountain creek this weekend. Yep, it’s that time again. Vacation!!! Woooo!! Yaay! OMG, so stoked! Ok, calm down there, Skye, you have to go back to work after a week.

As if anticipating my venture to the cabin on Mt. Princeton (the only Prince I’ll ever need), my subconscious graced me with a new story idea last week. The dreams strike again, and I’m glad they did. Since jotting down the dream idea, I’ve been writing almost nonstop. To put it in perspective for you, I filled one notebook in a day. Yeah, I’m going to need a new hand pretty soon here.

Back to the story, it’s a romantic comedy. One of my favorite genres! I won’t give too much away, but I will say it involves an editor that loathes romance. As irony strikes, she is the top editor for new romance authors. Enter Army Rangers veteran and all around hottie with a body, who also happens to be a writer. When the heroine inadvertently RSVPs to her sister’s mountainside wedding with a plus one, she is forced to find a date and fast. Good thing for her, she is a bit klutzy and finds the perfect patsy who also makes a horrible cup of tea.

Nope. That’s all you get! Don’t make me change the story plot (because I totally will) 😀

Suffice to say, I’m pretty darn stoked about this story. I’m still in the “fun” part of writing. You know, when you are excited about the characters instead of yanking your hair out in the editing stages. That will come eventually. Goal: to finish before vacation. Ha! That’s not happening, so I’ll cross that one off my list. Realistic goal: kick major ass and get a publisher before the end of the summer. Yeah, I reach for the sky. It’s what I do 😉

I leave you now to pack for my vacation, to write my characters into oblivion, oh, and to work. Yeah, I should probably do that too.

Find that silver lining!


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